Yesterday, after I dragged the bedding out of the dryer, the boys decided to claim a dryer sheet. Such lazy little bugs aren't they?
We found this great site. Written by a Chihuahua owner:
GUSH MODE ON: If you already own a Chihuahua, then I'll be preaching to the converted when I say that they are one of the most loyal, sweet-tempered, and gentle of the toy breeds. The Chihuahua, with its apple-dome skull and large luminous eyes, can wear a remarkably human expression at times; she or he will want to be with you most, if not all, of the time. A warning to casual dog owners: Don't buy a Chihuahua if you don't have the emotional real estate in your heart or the time for the complete love and attention of this furry little person. GUSH MODE OFF.
To read the whole article go to The Chihuahua FAQ
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